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More than Missed Periods - The Importance of PCOS Advocacy

Irregular periods, infertility, and diabetes.

Did "polycystic ovarian syndrome" immediately come to mind?

Don't worry, it didn't immediately come to mind for most readers. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (a hormonal disorder) continues to elude even many health care providers. Think about this - so little is know about polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) that an estimated 50% of women and girls with PCOS do not even know they have it.

We have made advances in treating the infertility associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Endocrinologists and primary care providers are adept at treating diabetes. Gynecology providers can help women control irregular periods with hormones. In the past 20 years, however, there have been few advances made in diagnosing or treating PCOS as a condition in its own right.

...a condition which is not limited to irregular periods, infertility and heart disease. Some women with PCOS are unable to lose weight regardless of how much they diet and exercise; others may grow excess facial hair or have severe acne. Women with PCOS are also at higher risk for developing certain types of cancer, and experience higher rates of anxiety and depression

Takoma Park Gynecology, LLC is proud to be participating in the 2019 PCOS Advocacy Day next week in Washington, DC. The March 6-7, 2019 event will provide an update of current PCOS knowledge, a review of the gaps in PCOS research, and basic training on negotiating “the Hill.” On March 7, we will meet with legislators and their staffers to convey the urgency of their attention to the issue.

Join us (in person or here on social media), as we work with Congress to increase the support for PCOS research and finding new and creative ways for women and girls with PCOS to access needed care. Look forward to live updates on March 6 and 7!

Can’t attend but want to support our efforts?

The National Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association will compose letter on your behalf, for delivery to your US Congressional representatives during the March 6-7 event. Simply fill out the form at:

For more information about PCOS and the work of PCOS Challenge:

For more information about PCOS Advocacy Day:

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